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Fr.Arul Raj, an oblate of Mary Immaculate become the Founder of three Societies: the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI), founded in 1984 ,Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (MMI), founded in 1998, and Associates of Mary Immaculate (AMI). With a mission to serve the poor in corners of the world where few dare to go, he laid the groundwork for DMI’s work: to create a just and equitable world by lifting the poor to transform the lives of people creating lasting change for villages, town and countries. 

Fr. Raj is also the Director and Chairman of several of educational institutions of these societies both in India and abroad. The first private Engineering College opened in Tanzania, East Africa and the first and only Catholic University in the Catholic country of Zambia are standing testimony to the missionary spirit. He is one of the youngest founders of religious societies but shies away from such praise when they are lavished upon him. He attributes all glory to God and says, “It is God’s work.” 

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