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Our Work Encompasses

Community Based Heath Care

Jobs & Skills Training

Women & Children Development

Socio-Economic Empowerment

Food Security

Humanitarian Aid

DMI Global Mission, the work of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI), a society of Women Religious, is devoted to helping women, girls and children around the globe.  

Since its founding in 1984, DMI has been dedicated to serving underserved communities in slums and rural areas across five continents and ten countries. Today, the Sisters, along with lay staff, operate missions in Tanzania, Central African Republic, Malawi, Zambia, South Sudan, India, and Papua New Guinea.

With a strong sense of mission and purpose, DMI staff work tirelessly to uplift individuals and families in the most vulnerable regions of the world, providing essential resources, education, and support. Through their unwavering commitment, they provide vital resources, education, and support to foster resilience and create pathways to a brighter future.

By embracing the inherent potential within every person, DMI Global Mission works towards building a world where all individuals, regardless of their circumstances, can thrive and contribute to their communities with dignity and strength.

Explore the links above to learn more about DMI Global Missions.
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